For use or reproduction of this material, please cite as:
Cohen, Elliot J. “Wind Analysis.” Joint Initiative of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Sustainable Engineering Lab (SEL). Columbia University, 22 Aug. 2014. Available online:
Suppose you are hired as a consultant to evaluate the potential for wind energy production on a small chain of islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The islands already have one wind farm up and running, with 7 Vestas wind turbines (v52-850Kw) rated at 850kW each. The combined rated capacity of the 7 turbines is 5950 kW, which is roughly 75.1% of the annual average power demand for the island! This is a huge penetration of wind! Pairwise observations of 10-minute average wind speed and cummulative wind energy production data are provided by the utility for the most recent year, in .xls format (click “view raw” to download). Hourly demand was estimated in-house from the load profile of a nearby island, and is provided in .csv format.
Using this data, prepare the following material for an investor meeting coming up next week. Be sure to document any assumptions, equations or algorithims implimented, and include all underlying R code in a well-commented Rmarkdown file. Knit the .rmd into a clean .html or .pdf file for review.
data <- read.csv(file = "WIND_VXE_2013.csv", header = TRUE)
# assign new column names to be more succint (avoid spaces, use _ or . to
# seperate words)
new.names <- c("date_time", "T1_Possible_Power", "T2_Possible_Power", "T3_Possible_Power",
"T4_Possible_Power", "T5_Possible_Power", "T6_Possible_Power", "T7_Possible_Power",
"T1_Total_Active_Power", "T2_Total_Active_Power", "T3_Total_Active_Power",
"T4_Total_Active_Power", "T5_Total_Active_Power", "T6_Total_Active_Power",
"T7_Total_Active_Power", "mean_wind_mps", "min_wind_mps", "max_wind_mps",
# make sure the new names lineup properly with the ones they're replacing...
cbind(names(data), new.names)
# if yes, replace column names with new names
names(data) <- new.names
# save a copy with the new names
save(data, file = "WIND_VXE_2013.rdata")
# load('WIND_VXE_2013.rdata')
For most of this analysis, we only need cumulative energy delivered and windspeed. We can compute the rest from first principles. Create a new data.frame
called dat
that contains just the information we want:
# subset data by type
cumulative.raw <- subset(data, select = c(1, 19))
possible.raw <- subset(data, select = 1:8)
active.raw <- subset(data, select = c(1, 9:15))
wind.raw <- subset(data, select = c(1, 16:18))
# select data to use
dat.raw <- data # keep all the data
# similarly, you could select all the data besides Active Power
# dat<-merge(Possible, Cumulative, Wind) # keep all but Active Power
returns the dimensions of the data (rows x columns).str
returns the structure of the data (class) summary
returns a statistical summary (quantiles) of the data contained in each column of the data.frame
named “dat”.
I like to write a custom function that easily conveys information regarding missing values. It wraps several useful checks into a single function:
check <- function(df) {
# count NA (missing values)
NAs <- sum(
print(paste("Missing Values:", NAs))
# count incomplete records (rows containing missing values)
ok <- complete.cases(df)
print(paste("Incomplete Records:", sum(!ok)))
# Show incomplete records (if less than 100 NAs).
if (NAs > 0 & NAs <= 100)
print(df[which(!complete.cases(df)), ])
# If more than 100, show column-wise distribution of NAs.
if (NAs > 100)
hist(which(, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2], xlab = "Column", freq = TRUE,
breaks = 1:dim(df)[2], main = "Column-wise distribution of missing values")
Similarly, we can write another quick function to show how many records are removed in any subset operation:
removed <- function(nrow, nrow1) {
print(paste("number of records REMOVED:", nrow - nrow1, sep = " "))
print(paste("number of records REMAINING:", nrow1, sep = " "))
We can also can write a function to recode 999 values as NAs.
recode.999s <- function(df) {
# check for 999.90 values (NA code)
na_code <- which(df[, ] == 999.9 | df[, ] == 999, arr.ind = TRUE)
print(paste("How many 999.9s Fixed?:", dim(na_code)[1]))
df[na_code] <- NA # assign NA to 999.90 values
Now let’s take our check
function for a test drive!
check(dat.raw) # NAs present. Column-wise distribution is relatively uniform (besides wind with relatively few)
## [1] "Missing Values: 10194"
## [1] "Incomplete Records: 1377"
Apply the na.omit
function {stats package} to create a new dataframe called dat
with all NAs removed.
Apply the removed
function {user defined} to compare the two data frames.
nrow.raw <- dim(dat.raw)[1] # record the dimensions of the data (before removing anything!)
dat <- na.omit(dat.raw) # omit rows containing missing values
nrow <- dim(dat)[1] # record the new dimensions of the data (after removing NAs)
removed(nrow.raw, nrow) # check how many records have been removed
## [1] "number of records REMOVED: 1377"
## [1] "number of records REMAINING: 51183"
# compute energy sentout in each timeblock (10min dt) using the cumulative
# energy counter
n <- length(dat$cum_energy_delivered_kwh)
a <- dat$cum_energy_delivered_kwh[1:n - 1]
b <- dat$cum_energy_delivered_kwh[2:n]
diff <- b - a
dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh <- c(diff, 0) # cannot compute difference for last timestep, set to zero.
# compute kinetic energy in the wind at each windspeed Wind Power =
# (1/2)*rho*area*(velocity)^3 = [kg/m^3]*[m^2]*[m/s]^3 = [kg*m^2/s^3] =
# [kg*m^2/s^2][1/s] = [Newton-meter]/[second] = [Joules/second] = [Watts]
rho = 1.225 # density of wind (kg/m^3)
area = 2174 # sweep area of wind turbines (m^2)
turbines = 7 # number of turbines
c <- (1/2) * rho * area
dat$wind_power_kw <- c * (dat$mean_wind_mps)^3 * turbines/1000 # kW avg power
dat$wind_energy_10min_kwh <- c * (dat$mean_wind_mps)^3 * turbines/(1000 * 6) # kWh in 10 min
# compute betz limit
betz.coef <- 16/27
dat$betz_limit_10min_kwh <- dat$wind_energy_10min_kwh * betz.coef
# compute turbine efficiency
dat$turbine_eff <- dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh/dat$wind_energy_10min_kwh
# compute total Possible Power
uncurtailed_power <- apply(X = dat[, 2:8], MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum)
dat$uncurtailed_10min_kwh <- (uncurtailed_power)/6
# compute curtailment
dat$curtailment_10min_kwh <- dat$uncurtailed - dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh
# check for NA
## [1] "Missing Values: 179"
## [1] "Incomplete Records: 179"
# check for NaN NaN arise when we compute turbine efficiency with zero in
# the numerator and denominator (due to windspeed = 0 & energy_sentout = 0).
# Set these to zero.
nan <- which(dat$turbine_eff == "NaN")
# length(nan) # same as number of NAs head(dat[nan, ]) # look at the rows
# containing 'NaN'
dat$turbine_eff[nan] <- 0
# check for Inf Inf arise when we compute turbine efficiency with zero in
# the denominator (due to windspeed = 0). Set these to zero.
inf <- which(dat$turbine_eff == "Inf")
# length(inf) # not counted in NA count, beware! head(dat[inf, ]) # look at
# the rows containing 'NaN'
dat$turbine_eff[inf] <- 0
# double check for NA
check(dat) # NAs have been removed.
## [1] "Missing Values: 0"
## [1] "Incomplete Records: 0"
Up to here, we have gone through a set of basic data cleaning techniques. Can we proceed with engineering analysis at this point? Let’s compute capacity factor and see what we get.
# summation of energy sentout, divided by the number of hours, yields
# average power sentout.
avg.power <- sum(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh)/(dim(dat)[1]/6)
# summation of energy sentout, divided by the number of (hours*capacity),
# yields capacity factor.
cf.curtailed.initial <- sum(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
cf.uncurtailed.initial <- sum(dat$uncurtailed_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
cf.betz.initial <- sum(dat$betz_limit_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
# display the results
data.frame(cf.curtailed.initial, cf.uncurtailed.initial, cf.betz.initial)
## cf.curtailed.initial cf.uncurtailed.initial cf.betz.initial
## 1 0.02429905 0.5792234 0.8048212
Do these values look right? Discuss.
First, we need to assign a timestamp to each observation. The raw data contains charachter representations of date-time, but these are not sufficient for robust time-series analysis. Therefore, we must convert date_time
into a POSIXlt
or POSIXct
date-time class. POSIX date-time objects represent calendar dates and times to the nearest second. At their core, POSIX objects are lists containing date-time components. We will have to convert POSIX objects back to character representations for certain operations, such as summarizing the data with the ddply
dat.copy <- dat # save a copy...
check(dat) # starting check...
## [1] "Missing Values: 0"
## [1] "Incomplete Records: 0"
# To convert a character representation of date-time into a POSIX object,
# each entry must conform to a standard format. In the raw data, midnight
# values are missing the hour and minute. Fix these:
get <- which($date_time, format = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"))) # return row index of date_time that cannot be coerced to POSIX object
dat$date_time[get] <- paste(dat$date_time[get], "00:00", sep = " ") # ammend those with the missing hour:time info.
# check if modified date_time character string can be coerced to POSIX
# without generating NA values.
sum($date_time, format = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M"))) # six NAs... fix or omit after converting.
## [1] 6
# covert modified date_time character string to POSIX
dat$date_time <- as.POSIXct(dat$date_time, format = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M")
# check
## [1] 6
# omit
dat <- na.omit(dat)
# # fix index <- which($date_time, format='%m/%d/%y
# %H:%M'))) dat[index,] # 6 funny date_time values... # fix funny date_time
# values... get <- dat[index, 1] dummy<-strsplit(as.character(get), split='
# ') date <- laply(dummy, '[[', 1) # keep the date, drop the time hour <-
# laply(dummy, '[[', 2) # keep the time, drop the hour hour <- paste('0',
# hour, sep='') date_hour <- as.character(paste(date, hour, sep=' '))
# as.POSIXct(date_hour, format='%m/%d/%y %H:%M') # seems to work!
# dat$date_time[index] <- as.POSIXct(date_hour, format='%m/%d/%y %H:%M') #
# dat$date_time[index] <- as.character(date_hour) #
# as.POSIXct(dat$date_time[index], format='%m/%d/%y %H:%M') # seems to work!
# check again..
## [1] "Missing Values: 0"
## [1] "Incomplete Records: 0"
Using the POSIX object, we can easily group the data with respect to time (e.g. by month, day, hour). This will come in handy for temporal aggregation, and for plotting:
dat$month <- cut(dat$date_time, breaks = "month")
week <- cut(dat$date_time, breaks = "week")
day <- cut(dat$date_time, breaks = "day")
hour <- cut(dat$date_time, breaks = "hour")
dummy <- strsplit(as.character(week), split = " ")
week <- laply(dummy, "[[", 1) # keep the date, drop the time
dat$week <- as.factor(week)
dummy <- strsplit(as.character(day), split = " ")
day <- laply(dummy, "[[", 1) # keep the date, drop the time
dat$day <- as.factor(day)
## Error in fs[[1]](x, ...) : subscript out of bounds
## dummy<-strsplit(as.character(hour), split=' ') hour<-laply(dummy, '[[', 2)
## # keep the time, drop the date dat$hour<-as.factor(hour)
Save the augemented data.frame dat
. This reflects the full dataset after NA checks and benchmark calculations, but prior to applying filters.
save(dat, file = "Wind_VXE_2013_NAs_Removed.rdata")
Now we can create time-series visualizations of the data:
# energy data
energy <- subset(dat, select = c("day", "energy_sentout_10min_kwh", "wind_energy_10min_kwh",
"betz_limit_10min_kwh", "uncurtailed_10min_kwh", "curtailment_10min_kwh"))
energy <- ddply(energy, .(day), numcolwise(sum))
# plot energy vs time
test <- melt(energy, id.vars = ("day"))
## [1] "Missing Values: 0"
## [1] "Incomplete Records: 0"
test <- test[complete.cases(test), ] # remove incomplete cases
ggplot(test, aes(x = day, y = value/10^3, group = variable, colour = variable,
linetype = variable)) + geom_line() + scale_y_continuous(name = "MWh per day") +
labs(title = "Energy Timeseries") + theme_classic() + scale_x_discrete(breaks = test$day[seq(1,
360, by = 60)], labels = abbreviate)
# facet wrap by month
energy <- subset(dat, select = c("day", "week", "month", "energy_sentout_10min_kwh",
"wind_energy_10min_kwh", "betz_limit_10min_kwh", "uncurtailed_10min_kwh",
energy <- ddply(energy, .(day, week, month), numcolwise(sum))
# plot energy vs time
test <- melt(energy, id.vars = c("day", "week", "month"))
levels(test$month) <-[1:12]
## [1] "Missing Values: 0"
## [1] "Incomplete Records: 0"
test <- test[complete.cases(test), ] # remove incomplete cases
ggplot(test, aes(x = day, y = value/10^3, group = variable, colour = variable,
linetype = variable)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~month, scales = "free") +
scale_y_continuous(name = "MWh per day") + labs(title = "Monthwise Energy Timeseries") +
theme_classic() + scale_x_discrete(breaks = NULL)
try <- subset(dat, date_time > as.POSIXlt("2013-06-01 00:00:00") & date_time <
as.POSIXlt("2013-06-07 00:00:00"))
ggplot(try, aes(x = date_time, y = uncurtailed_10min_kwh, colour = "uncurtailed")) +
geom_line() + geom_line(aes(x = date_time, y = energy_sentout_10min_kwh,
colour = "curtailed"))
… and bi-variate plots…
# Plot the power curve with benchmark comparisons
energy <- subset(dat, select = c("mean_wind_mps", "energy_sentout_10min_kwh",
"wind_energy_10min_kwh", "betz_limit_10min_kwh"))
energy <- melt(energy, id.vars = ("mean_wind_mps"))
ggplot(energy, aes(x = mean_wind_mps, y = value, group = variable, colour = variable)) +
geom_point() + scale_y_continuous(name = "KWh in 10min", limit = c(quantile(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh,
probs = c(0.01, 0.999)))) + scale_x_continuous(name = "Windspeed (mps)") +
labs(title = "Pairwise Observations\nw. Comparison to Betz Limit and Kinetic Energy in the Wind") +
Clearly we still have some problem data that must have survived our first round of data cleaning. What more can we do?
First, check the wind speed data:
# start with the data from the end of part 1, with all NAs removed.
# check for outliers in wind data
# # historgrams
hist(dat$mean_wind_mps, main = "Histogram of Mean Windspeeds")
hist(dat$min_wind_mps, main = "Histogram of Min Windspeeds")
hist(dat$max_wind_mps, main = "Histogram of Max Windspeeds")
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.000 5.700 8.600 8.113 10.900 18.800
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.000 3.700 6.000 5.624 7.800 15.800
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.00 7.70 11.10 10.59 13.90 31.50
Wind data looks OK besides the first bin. First bin is far too large. Remove records (rows) associated with windspeeds less than 0.5 mps (first bin).
# remove heavy lower tail (records with windspeed between 0-0.5mps)
nrow <- dim(dat)[1]
dat <- subset(dat, mean_wind_mps > 0.5)
# cumulative number of records removed
removed(nrow, dim(dat)[1])
## [1] "number of records REMOVED: 2654"
## [1] "number of records REMAINING: 48523"
# fit a Weibull distribution to the lightly treated windspeed data <- fitdist(dat$mean_wind_mps, distr = "weibull")
## Fitting of the distribution ' weibull ' by maximum likelihood
## Parameters :
## estimate Std. Error
## shape 2.753631 0.01020576
## scale 9.590895 0.01654663
## Loglikelihood: -128305.7 AIC: 256615.3 BIC: 256632.9
## Correlation matrix:
## shape scale
## shape 1.0000000 0.2947617
## scale 0.2947617 1.0000000
plot(, demp = TRUE)
Check wind measurements with respect to time:
wind <- subset(dat, select = c("week", "mean_wind_mps", "max_wind_mps", "min_wind_mps"))
wind <- ddply(wind, .(week), numcolwise(mean))
wind$week.number <- as.integer(strftime(x = levels(test$week), format = "%W"))
# plot wind vs time
test <- melt(wind, id.vars = c("week", "week.number"))
ggplot(test, aes(x = week.number, y = value, group = variable, colour = variable,
linetype = variable)) + geom_line() + scale_y_continuous(name = "Windspeed [m/s]") +
labs(title = "Wind Timeseries") + theme_bw()
Now the windspeed data looks good! The mean value is bounded by the min and max in all cases, as we should expect.
Next, check the energy sentout data. We can apply increasing levels of stringency when filtering the data:
# check for outliers in the energy data
summary(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh) # quantiles
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -9999000 241 417 5 588 47120
hist(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh) # histogram
# looks funny...
# number of records before filtering based on energy criteria
nrow <- dim(dat)[1]
## negative energy values
dat <- subset(dat, dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh >= 0) #
# cumulative number of records removed
removed(nrow, dim(dat)[1])
## [1] "number of records REMOVED: 2"
## [1] "number of records REMAINING: 48521"
# FILTER 2: remove energy values beyond what's possible given installed
# capacity
capacity <- 850 * 7 # 850 KW rated capacity x 7 turbines
capacity_10min_kwh <- capacity * (10/60) # max energy sentout in 10 minutes
dat <- subset(dat, dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh <= capacity_10min_kwh)
# cumulative number of records removed
removed(nrow, dim(dat)[1])
## [1] "number of records REMOVED: 41"
## [1] "number of records REMAINING: 48482"
# # FILTER 3: remove statistical outliers: set quantiles to keep
# range<-quantile(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh, probs=c(0.01,0.99))
# dat<-subset(dat, dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh > range[1]) dat<-subset(dat,
# dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh < range[2])
# FILTER 4: remove energy values beyond what's possible given windspeed
# (e.g. kinetic energy contained in wind)
dat <- subset(dat, dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh <= dat$wind_energy_10min_kwh)
# cumulative number of records removed
removed(nrow, dim(dat)[1])
## [1] "number of records REMOVED: 2531"
## [1] "number of records REMAINING: 45992"
# FILTER 5: remove energy values beyond what's possible given windspeed AND
# Betz limit (kinetic energy *16/27)
dat <- subset(dat, dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh <= dat$betz_limit_10min_kwh)
# cumulative number of records removed
removed(nrow, dim(dat)[1])
## [1] "number of records REMOVED: 8882"
## [1] "number of records REMAINING: 39641"
# check the quantiles and histogram again
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.0 278.0 449.0 430.7 616.0 964.0
Now the summary statistics look more reasonable.
Let’s see what the data looks like now with respect to time.
# Total energy, per week
energy <- subset(dat, select = c("week", "energy_sentout_10min_kwh", "uncurtailed_10min_kwh",
"betz_limit_10min_kwh", "wind_energy_10min_kwh"))
energy <- ddply(energy, .(week), numcolwise(sum))
# plot energy vs time
test <- melt(energy, id.vars = ("week"))
# test$variable <- factor(test$variable, levels =
# c('energy_sentout_10min_kwh', 'uncurtailed_10min_kwh',
# 'betz_limit_10min_kwh', 'wind_energy_10min_kwh'))
# # line plot ggplot(test, aes(x=week, y=value/10^3, group=variable,
# colour=variable, linetype=variable)) + geom_line() +
# scale_y_continuous(name='MWh per week') + labs(title='Energy Timeseries')
# + theme_classic() + scale_x_discrete(breaks=levels(test$week)[seq(1,52,
# by=8)], labels=abbreviate)
# area plot
ggplot(test, aes(x = week, y = value/10^3, group = variable, fill = variable)) +
geom_area(stat = "identity", position = "stack") + scale_y_continuous(name = "MWh per week") +
labs(title = "Energy Timeseries") + theme_classic() + scale_x_discrete(breaks = levels(test$week)[seq(1,
52, by = 8)], labels = abbreviate)
Now we are able to see temporal trends in the actual energy sentout (curtailed), energy possible (uncurtailed) and the difference (curtailment). We juxtopose the Betz limit (theoretical max) and the kinetic energy of the wind as benchmark comparisons.
Note that the area under the uncurtailed_10min_kwh
curve, and above the energy_sentout_10min_kwh
curve is the annual excess wind energy that can be stored, assuming infinite storage capacity, no charging/discharging losses. and no leakages.
Now let’s check if the windspeed and energy measurements make sense together (e.g. pairwise observations).
Recall this is timeseries data, so at every timestamp there is a windspeed and energy measurement.
# Plot the power curve with benchmark comparisons
energy <- subset(dat, select = c("mean_wind_mps", "energy_sentout_10min_kwh",
"wind_energy_10min_kwh", "betz_limit_10min_kwh"))
energy <- melt(energy, id.vars = ("mean_wind_mps"))
ggplot(energy, aes(x = mean_wind_mps, y = value, group = variable, colour = variable)) +
geom_point() + scale_y_continuous(name = "KWh in 10min", limit = c(0, max(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh))) +
scale_x_continuous(name = "Windspeed (mps)") + labs(title = "Empirical Power Curve w. Comparison to Betz Limit and Kinetic Wind Energy") +
Windspeed vs power output looks good if we filter the data using the Betz Limit. Otherwise we see observations above the Betz limit, but we know this is not possible. How could have so much power been produced at such low wind speeds? The only (likely) explanation is that the wind measurements are off. If the wind gauge (anemometer) was reading too low, then it would artificially place points to the left of the true power curve, thus creating points above the Betz Limit.
Here we are able to apply knowledge of the physical system to improve data filtering. We can add more filters, as necessary.
We know that the turbines shutdown at windspeeds below 3mps and above 25mps. We have two options for applying this information: Option 1: Remove all observations with windspeed < 3 mps or > 25 mps.
* Pro: Turbines are off, so there is no information to be gained regarding the relationship between windspeed and power generation.
* Con: Weibull distribution and capacity factor will be skewed uprwards because observations at low windspeeds have been removed.
The following code is not run, but shown as an example of how to filter the data with respect to turbine setpoints.
dat<-subset(dat, dat$min_wind_mps > 3)
dat<-subset(dat, dat$max_wind_mps < 25)
# Plot the power curve with benchmark comparisons
energy <- subset(dat, select = c("mean_wind_mps", "energy_sentout_10min_kwh",
"wind_energy_10min_kwh", "betz_limit_10min_kwh"))
energy <- melt(energy, id.vars = ("mean_wind_mps"))
ggplot(energy, aes(x = mean_wind_mps, y = value, group = variable, colour = variable)) +
geom_point() + scale_y_continuous(name = "KWh in 10min", limit = c(0, max(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh))) +
scale_x_continuous(name = "Windspeed (mps)") + labs(title = "Empirical Power Curve w. Comparison to Betz Limit and Kinetic Wind Energy") +
Save the “clean” wind data (post-filter)
write.csv(dat, file = "filtered_VXE_wind_speed.csv") # for export as .csv
save(dat, file = "filtered_VXE_wind_speed.rdata") # for re-use in R
Alternatively, we could apply this filter instead: Option 2: When windspeed < 3 mps or > 25 mps, set power to zero (rather than removing the records altogether as in Option 1).
* Pro: Capacity factor will be more accurate because we have retained observations at low windspeeds. * Con: Fitting a Weibull distribution is more difficult because a large number of windspeed observations are forced to zero, creating an artifically heavy lower tail.{ set.point.filter} filter<-which(dat$mean_wind_mps < 3 | dat$mean_wind_mps > 25) dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh[filter]<-0
(We will use this later when we compute capacity factor.)
# choose a distribution to fit to the windspeed data
descdist(dat$mean_wind_mps) # heuristic
## summary statistics
## ------
## min: 0.6 max: 18.8
## median: 9.6
## mean: 9.22484
## estimated sd: 3.284277
## estimated skewness: -0.4445341
## estimated kurtosis: 2.902686
# based on heuristic, and knowledge of the system, fit a weibull
# distribution
# Fit a Weibull distribution to the physics-based FILTERED windspeed data. <- fitdist(dat$mean_wind_mps, distr = "weibull")
## Fitting of the distribution ' weibull ' by maximum likelihood
## Parameters :
## estimate Std. Error
## shape 3.134696 0.01296617
## scale 10.271967 0.01716249
## Loglikelihood: -103990.8 AIC: 207985.7 BIC: 208002.8
## Correlation matrix:
## shape scale
## shape 1.0000000 0.2836283
## scale 0.2836283 1.0000000
plot(, demp = TRUE)
# summation of energy sentout, divided by the number of hours, yields
# average power sentout.
avg.power <- sum(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh)/(dim(dat)[1]/6)
# summation of energy sentout, divided by the number of hours*capacity,
# yields capacity factor.
cf.curtailed.filtered <- sum(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
cf.uncurtailed.filtered <- sum(dat$uncurtailed_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
cf.betz.filtered <- sum(dat$betz_limit_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
# display the results
data.frame(cf.curtailed.filtered, cf.uncurtailed.filtered, cf.betz.filtered)
## cf.curtailed.filtered cf.uncurtailed.filtered cf.betz.filtered
## 1 0.4343134 0.6261535 0.991243
What does it mean if the capacity factor according to the betz limit exceeds unity? It means that, at times, the energy contained in the wind that could theoretically be extracted given a perfect turbine exceeds the rated capacity of the turbines. This can happen when the wind resource exceeds the design point of the turbines.
Above we demonstrated several ways to filter the data based on the physics of the system and known system constraints. This approach is excellent for removing outliers and random measurement errors. But what about systematic measurement errors? What if we have reason to believe the wind measurements are systematicaly too low? How can we address bias in the data? One way is to apply a correction algorithim.
In addition to correcting systematic bias in the data, we would like to retain fidelity and avoid loss of information wherever possible. The set of data filters applied in part 1 resulted in a loss of 12913 of 52560 observations, or nearly 25% of the data. In the following section we will try to avoid that by replacing missing or erroneous values with reasonable approximations, rather than removing them altogether.
Assume the energy sentout measurements are correct, and that all the error is contained in the windspeed measurements. This may be a good assumption since the energy data can be confirmed at other points in the electricity system (e.g. at the bus bar, by the utility or dispatch center, etc…). Now, assuming the load measurements are correct, then we can back out the minimum windspeed needed to produce that much power. We then re-assign the calculated minimum windspeed to observations with imfeasible wind speeds measurements. Conceptually, we are correcting inaccurate windspeed measurements by shifting them to the right (to the power curve).
To demonstrate data correction, we start from [nearly] the beginning, with only the missing values removed:
# load the raw data
load("WIND_VXE_2013.rdata") # df data
# load the the data after removing NAs, but prior to applying any filters.
# load('Wind_VXE_2013_NAs_Removed.rdata')
Instead of removing outliers, let’s correct them to retain a full data set [skip below].
If we had wanted to remove statistical outliers, as opposed to correcting them, we could use the following script:
nrow <- dim(dat)[1] # number of complete records BEFORE filtering
# select the numeric or integer class columns
c <- sapply(dat, class) # class of each column
colIndex <- which(c == "numeric" | c == "integer") # column index of numeric or integer vectors
# compute column-wise quantiles apply(dat[,-1], 2, stats::quantile)
range <- apply(dat[, colIndex], 2, function(x) {
quantile(x, probs = c(0.01, 0.99))
# get names of the columns that we want to filter on (all but the first
# column) names<-colnames(dat[,colIndex])
names <- names(colIndex) # identical to above
# iterate through each column, subsetting the ENTIRE DATA.FRAME by removing
# records (rows) associated with an outlier value in that column
for (i in 1:dim(range)[2]) {
n <- dim(dat)[1] # number of rows at start
dat <- subset(dat, eval(parse(text = names[i])) > range[1, i]) # keep records above 1st percentile
dat <- subset(dat, eval(parse(text = names[i])) < range[2, i]) # keep records less than 99 percentile
p <- dim(dat)[1] # number of rows at end
print(paste(n - p, "records dropped when filtering:", toupper(names[i]),
sep = " "))
# number of records removed
removed(nrow, dim(dat)[1])
To fix the data, we will need to get a reasonable look at what is causing the problem in the first place
check(data) # there are almost no missing values in the windspeed measurements, and roughly 700 in each of the other columns. Let's work with the windspeeds then!
## [1] "Missing Values: 10194"
## [1] "Incomplete Records: 1377" <- fitdist(dat$mean_wind_mps, distr = "weibull")
## Fitting of the distribution ' weibull ' by maximum likelihood
## Parameters :
## estimate Std. Error
## shape 3.134696 0.01296617
## scale 10.271967 0.01716249
## Loglikelihood: -103990.8 AIC: 207985.7 BIC: 208002.8
## Correlation matrix:
## shape scale
## shape 1.0000000 0.2836283
## scale 0.2836283 1.0000000
plot(, demp = TRUE)
plot(dat$mean_wind_mps, dat$uncurtailed_10min_kwh, col = "red", cex = 0.2, pch = 20,
main = "Curtailed and Uncurtailed Wind Energy Production\nSao Vicente, Cape Verde (2013)",
xlab = "Windspeed (mps)", ylab = "Energy (kWh/10min)")
points(dat$mean_wind_mps, dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh, col = "green", cex = 0.2,
pch = 20)
legend("topleft", legend = c("Energy Possible (Uncurtailed)", "Energy Sentout (Curtailed)"),
col = c("red", "green"), pch = 20)
Here is our algorithim in words: For each observation, supply the energy sentout (kWh), find the closest matching value on the power curve (kW), query the corresponding wind speed from the power curve (mps). This becomes the corrected windspeed. Apply this whenever the measured windspeed is less than the windspeed dictated by the power curve. This shifts all points to were left of the power curve, to the right.
The is the code:
# load the manufacturers power curve
MPC <- read.table(file = "v52-850KW-power-curve.csv", header = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE,
sep = ",")
MPC$design_sentout_10min_kwh <- MPC$power_kW * 7/6 # kW x (7 turbines) x (1/6 hour)
MPC <- subset(MPC, windspeed_mps < 25)
# plot the manufacturers power curve
plot(x = MPC$windspeed_mps, y = MPC$design_sentout_10min_kwh, type = "p", pch = 4,
main = "Manufacturers Power Curve\n with Empirical Overlay", xlab = "Windspeed (mps)",
ylab = "Energy (kWh/10min)", xlim = range(dat$mean_wind_mps))
points(y = dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh, x = dat$mean_wind_mps, col = "green",
cex = 0.1, pch = 20)
points(y = dat$uncurtailed_10min_kwh, x = dat$mean_wind_mps, col = "red", cex = 0.1,
pch = 20)
legend("bottomright", col = c("black", "green", "red"), pch = c(4, 20, 20),
legend = c("Manufacturers Power Curve", "Energy Sentout (Curtailed)", "Energy Possible (Uncurtailed)"))
# For each observation, supply the energy sentout (kWh), find the closest
# matching value on the power curve (kW), query the corresponding wind speed
# from the power curve (mps). This becomes the corrected windspeed. Apply
# this whenever the measured windspeed is less than the windspeed dictated
# by the power curve. This shifts all points that were left of the power
# curve, onto the power curve.
# matching vector must be in ascending order
MPC <- MPC[order(MPC$power_kW, decreasing = FALSE), ]
# pass energy sentout (kWh), return row index of closest matching value on
# power curve (kW)
power.match <- findInterval(x = dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh, vec = MPC$power_kW,
all.inside = TRUE, rightmost.closed = TRUE)
# read-off corresponding wind speed from the power curve (mps)
corrected.windspeed <- MPC[power.match, c("windspeed_mps")]
# # visually inspect matched values with values matched against --> Looks
# good! plot(x=MPC[power.match, c('windspeed_mps')], y=MPC[power.match,
# c('power_kW')], col='red', cex=3, xlab='windspeed_mps', ylab='power_kW')
# points(x=MPC$windspeed_mps, y=MPC$power_kW, col='black', cex=0.1)
# create a new column called 'corrected_wind_mps'
dat$corrected_wind_mps <- corrected.windspeed
# if the observed mean windspeed is greater than the windspeed dictated by
# the power curve, that's OK --> keep the recorded mean windspeed.
keep <- which(dat$mean_wind_mps >= dat$corrected_wind_mps)
dat$corrected_wind_mps[keep] <- dat$mean_wind_mps[keep]
# We do this because it is possible that less power was produced at a given
# windspeed than dictated by the power curve, due to curtailment. however
# it is *not* possible to produce more power at a given windspeed than
# dictated by the power curve. Hence we correct those values, only. <- fitdist(dat$corrected_wind_mps, "weibull")
## Fitting of the distribution ' weibull ' by maximum likelihood
## Parameters :
## estimate Std. Error
## shape 2.739575 0.009815955
## scale 10.881353 0.021040996
## Loglikelihood: -107651.5 AIC: 215306.9 BIC: 215324.1
## Correlation matrix:
## shape scale
## shape 1.0000000 0.3180891
## scale 0.3180891 1.0000000
# and compare with the weibull distribution fit to the lightly-treated,
# physics-filtered, statistically filtered, and corrected windspeed data,
# respectively.
denscomp(, addlegend = FALSE, main = "Weibull fit to lightly-treated windspeeds")
denscomp(, addlegend = FALSE, main = "Weibull fit to physics-filtered windspeeds")
denscomp(, addlegend = FALSE, main = "Weibull fit to statistically-filtered windspeeds")
denscomp(, addlegend = FALSE, main = "Weibull fit to statistically-filtered & corrected windspeeds")
# and compare the estimate shape and scale factor
weibull.parameters <- data.frame(treatment = c("lightly-treated", "physics-filtered",
"statistically-filtered", "statistically-filtered & corrected"), shape = c($estimate[1],$estimate[1],$estimate[1],$estimate[1]), scale = c($estimate[2],$estimate[2],$estimate[2],$estimate[2]))
# sensitivity of Weibull parameter estimation based on data treatment:
print(weibull.parameters, digits = 2)
## treatment shape scale
## 1 lightly-treated 2.8 9.6
## 2 physics-filtered 3.1 10.3
## 3 statistically-filtered 3.1 10.3
## 4 statistically-filtered & corrected 2.7 10.9
# dotchart(x=as.matrix(weibull.parameters[,-1]),
# labels=weibull.parameters[,1])
plot(x = MPC$windspeed_mps, y = MPC$design_sentout_10min_kwh, type = "p", pch = 4,
main = "Manufacturers Power Curve\n with Corrected Empirical Overlay", xlab = "Windspeed (mps)",
ylab = "Energy (kWh/10min)", xlim = c(0, 20))
points(y = dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh, x = dat$corrected_wind_mps, col = "green",
cex = 0.1, pch = 20)
points(y = dat$uncurtailed_10min_kwh, x = dat$corrected_wind_mps, col = "red",
cex = 0.1, pch = 20)
legend("bottomright", col = c("black", "green", "red"), pch = c(4, 20, 20),
legend = c("Manufacturers Power Curve", "Curtailed Power Curve (with windspeed correction)",
"Uncurtailed Power Curve (with windspeed correction)"))
Our correction algorithim works!
However, let’s reflect on this process for a moment. Instead of “correcting” the data, were we better off simply removing spurious values all together? That is what we did originally, because we had LOTS of data (more than enough to fit a Weibull distribution and a power curve). The rationale goes that if we have 60,000+ observations, we can stand to lose some.
Removing suspect data may be preferable to “correcting” data, depending on the context, because it reduces the amount of assumptions and manipulations required. However, beware that removing data can also introduce biases, depending on if the data in question was randomly distributed. For example, are we skewing the Weibull distribution upwards by removing a large number of observations at low windspeeds? What if we still have lots of “good” data at low windspeeds, then are we losing any information by removing the suspect data? There is no definitive answer, and you will have to use your best judegement. Try several combinations of filters and corrections to see what makes the most sense!
Find the maximum power output at each windspeed.
Since we have continuous data, we need to bin the data into discrete segments first:
* choose bin range based on data range.
* choose bin size based on the number of observations.
+ since we have lots of data, we can use small bins.
(The following code chunk is not run, but we provide it for future use.)
bins<-seq(range[1], range[2], by=0.5)
# summarize the data by wind bin
# NOTE: the ddply function doesn't work with POSIX objects... because POSIX objects are really lists...
# use factor or character string representations of date_time when summarizing with ddply()
dat$wind.bin<-cut(x=dat$corrected_wind_mps, breaks=bins)
# # compute energy quantiles for each windspeed bin
# ddply(dat, .(wind.bin), function(x) quantile(x$energy_sentout_10min_kwh))
# choose the 95th percentile to define the power curve
power.curve<-ddply(dat, .(wind.bin), summarize, power.curve=quantile(energy_sentout_10min_kwh, probs=0.95))
# assign a power curve ordinate to each record based on the observed windspeed.
# this represents the **possible** energy delivered to the grid at a given windspeed, assuming no grid constraints.
dat<-merge(dat, power.curve, by="wind.bin") # DO NOT RUN TWICE!
# plot
xlab="mean wind speed (mps)",
ylab="KWh per 10min",
main="Empirically Estimated vs Manufacturer's Power Curve, Overlayed with Corrected Data",
# add layers: manufactures power curve and corrected observations.
# lines(y=MPC$design_sentout_10min_kwh, x=MPC$windpseed_mps, type="p", col="black", cex=0.5, pch=4)
points(y=dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh, x=dat$corrected_wind_mps, col="blue", cex=0.1, pch=20)
legend("bottomright", legend=c("Estimated Power Curve (w. windspeed correction)", "Manufacturer's Power Curve", "Observations (w. windspeed correction"), col=c("blue","black","blue"), pch=c(1,4,20))
# summation of energy sentout, divided by the number of hours, yields
# average power sentout.
avg.power <- sum(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh)/(dim(dat)[1]/6)
# summation of energy sentout, divided by the number of hours*capacity,
# yields capacity factor.
cf.curtailed.corrected <- sum(dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
cf.uncurtailed.corrected <- sum(dat$uncurtailed_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
cf.betz.corrected <- sum(dat$betz_limit_10min_kwh)/(850 * 7 * dim(dat)[1]/6)
data.frame(cf.curtailed.corrected, cf.uncurtailed.corrected, cf.betz.corrected)
## cf.curtailed.corrected cf.uncurtailed.corrected cf.betz.corrected
## 1 0.4343134 0.6261535 0.991243
Finally, we visually inspect the data to find the time of the year when curtailment is highest. We aggregate the data with respect to time and apply temporal smoothing to make the figures legible.
dat$date_time <- as.character(dat$date_time)
hourly <- ddply(dat, .(hour, day), numcolwise(mean))
## Warning in cbind(day = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
## : number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
### visualize curtailment data as time series objects
hourly <- ts(hourly$curtailment_10min_kwh, start = c(2013, 1), frequency = 365 *
24) #create time series object
daily <- aggregate(hourly, nfrequency = 365, ts.eps = 1, FUN = mean)
weekly <- aggregate(hourly, nfrequency = 52, ts.eps = 1, FUN = mean)
monthly <- aggregate(hourly, nfrequency = 12, ts.eps = 1, FUN = mean)
par(mfrow = c(4, 1))
par(oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0)) # set outter margins
par(mar = c(2, 4, 2, 2) + 0.1) # set plot margins
plot(hourly, lwd = 0.4, cex.lab = 1.1, cex.axis = 1.1)
plot(daily, cex.lab = 1.1, cex.axis = 1.1)
plot(weekly, cex.lab = 1.1, cex.axis = 1.1)
plot(monthly, cex.lab = 1.1, cex.axis = 1.1)
title(main = "Energy Curtailment [kWh/10min] with Temporal Smoothing", outer = TRUE,
cex.main = 1.5)
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1) # reset default plot margins (bottom, left, top, right)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
I believe we are seeing a sharp decrease in curtailment on the weekends. Notice the periodicity in the daily figure. The curtailment fluctuates between 200-300 kWh/10min averaged throughout the day for five days per week, and then plummets to less than 100 kWh/10 min (average) on the 6th and 7th day. Is this a result of increased demand on the weekends or decreased scheduling of baseload? Either could explain a sharp decrease in curtailment (e.g. less “excess” power).
Now that we have characterized windspeeds for this region (Weibull distribution) and estimated the power curve (power output given a windspeed), we can sample from the Weibull distribution to generate new wind data and compute the expected power output. To make the power curve a continuous function (rather than discrete), we fit a polynomial function to it. Local polynomial estimation techniques (e.g. k-nearest neigbor and kernel density) offer advantages to to global fits. In local estimation techniques, fitting is performed within small neighborhoods, resulting in improved goodness of fit with a lower polynomial order. The concept is similar to a moving average, and smoothing splines. Here we fit two local polynomial models, one to the observations, and a second to the manufacturers power curve. Choosing one or the other is a matter of preference and philosophy (do you trust the turbines to work precisely to the manufacturer specifications, or do you trust your own measurements?)
# Option 1: Fit a local-polynomial model to the observed data
corrected.mod <- locfit(energy_sentout_10min_kwh ~ corrected_wind_mps, data = dat)
## Estimation type: Local Regression
## Call:
## locfit(formula = energy_sentout_10min_kwh ~ corrected_wind_mps,
## data = dat)
## Number of data points: 39641
## Independent variables: corrected_wind_mps
## Evaluation structure: Rectangular Tree
## Number of evaluation points: 8
## Degree of fit: 2
## Fitted Degrees of Freedom: 6.023
plot(corrected.mod, main = "Model Fit to corrected Data")
points(y = dat$energy_sentout_10min_kwh, x = dat$corrected_wind_mps, cex = 0.1,
pch = 20, col = "red")
# Option 2: Fit a local-polynomial model to the manufacturer power curve
manufacturer.mod <- locfit(design_sentout_10min_kwh ~ windspeed_mps, data = MPC)
## Estimation type: Local Regression
## Call:
## locfit(formula = design_sentout_10min_kwh ~ windspeed_mps, data = MPC)
## Number of data points: 560
## Independent variables: windspeed_mps
## Evaluation structure: Rectangular Tree
## Number of evaluation points: 5
## Degree of fit: 2
## Fitted Degrees of Freedom: 4.822
plot(manufacturer.mod, lty = 2, col = "red", main = "Model Fit to Manufacturers Power Curve",
lwd = 1)
lines(y = MPC$design_sentout_10min_kwh, x = MPC$windspeed_mps, col = "black",
lty = 1, lwd = 1)
legend("bottomright", legend = c("Manufacturer's Power Curve", "Local Polynomial Model Fit"),
col = c("black", "red"), lty = c(1, 2), lwd = c(1, 1))
Now we can predict energy generation given a probabilistic (Weibull) distribution of windspeeds and the fitted power curve model (local polynomial).
# Use a Weibull distribution to randomly generate one-year of 10-minute
# average windspeeds using the same shape and scale factor as the observed
# windspeeds
wind.sim = rweibull(8760 * 6, shape =$estimate[1], scale =$estimate[2])
# estimate generation given expected windspeeds
expected.gen.corrected <- predict(corrected.mod, newdata = wind.sim)
expected.gen.manufacturer <- predict(manufacturer.mod, newdata = wind.sim)
# calculate the expected (uncurtailed) capacity factor for next year:
cf.uncurtailed.simulation.cpc <- sum(expected.gen.corrected)/(850 * 7 * 8760)
cf.uncurtailed.simulation.mpc <- sum(expected.gen.manufacturer)/(850 * 7 * 8760)
# plot the new (expected) power curve
plot(expected.gen.corrected ~ wind.sim, col = "blue", ylim = c(0, 850 * 7/6),
xlim = c(0, 20), pch = 20, main = "Comparing Two Prediction Techniques",
ylab = "Expected Gen. (kWh/10min)", xlab = "Expected Wind (mps)")
points(y = expected.gen.manufacturer, x = wind.sim, col = "red", pch = 20)
legend("topleft", legend = c("Fit to corrected Data", "Fit to Manufacturer's Power Curve"),
col = c("blue", "red"), pch = c(20, 20))
The expected power output of a wind farm is given by the integral of power output over a range of windspeeds (defined according to the turbine manufacturer’s power curve), multiplied by the probability of occurance of each windspeed (according to the fitted Weibull distribution). In practice, this may be approximated by a Reimann Sum: discretizing windspeed into intervals, computing the probability of winspeed within each interval, and taking the sum.
It follows that to compute the expected capacity factor, simply divide the expected power output by the installed capacity of the turbines.
To characterize variability in the expected power output, we compute the variance. Variance is given by the expectation of power output (x) minus the expected power output (xbar), quauntity squared. Similarly, variability in the expected capacity factor, is simply a constant times the variance of power output.
# discrete windspeed range
wind <- seq(0, 24, by = 0.1)
# vector of power output given a vector of windspeeds, according to the
# power curve
power.cpc <- predict(corrected.mod, newdata = wind)
power.mpc <- predict(manufacturer.mod, newdata = wind)
# probability of windspeeds according to the fitted weibull distribution
pdf <- dweibull(x = wind, shape =$estimate[1], scale =$estimate[2])
# cdf<-pweibull(q=wind,$estimate[1],
# expectated value of power output
expected.power.mpc <- sum(pdf * power.mpc) #kw
expected.power.cpc <- sum(pdf * power.cpc) #kw
# variance of power output
var.mpc <- sum(pdf * (power.mpc - expected.power.mpc)^2)
sd.mpc <- var.mpc^(1/2)
list(expectation = expected.power.mpc, variance = var.mpc, standard.deviation = sd.mpc)
## $expectation
## [1] 4913.526
## $variance
## [1] 196467545
## $standard.deviation
## [1] 14016.69
var.cpc <- sum(pdf * (power.cpc - expected.power.cpc)^2)
sd.cpc <- var.cpc^(1/2)
list(expectation = expected.power.cpc, variance = var.cpc, standard.deviation = sd.cpc)
## $expectation
## [1] 3495.834
## $variance
## [1] 99489422
## $standard.deviation
## [1] 9974.438
# installed capacity
c <- 850 * 7 #kw
# capacity factor
cf.uncurtailed.expectation.mpc <- expected.power.mpc/c
cf.uncurtailed.expectation.cpc <- expected.power.cpc/c
Compare curtailed and uncurtailed capacity factor estimates from various data treatments.
cf.values <- as.vector(c(cf.curtailed.initial, cf.uncurtailed.initial, cf.curtailed.filtered,
cf.uncurtailed.filtered, cf.curtailed.corrected, cf.uncurtailed.corrected,
cf.uncurtailed.simulation.mpc, cf.uncurtailed.simulation.cpc, cf.uncurtailed.expectation.mpc,
cf <- data.frame(Variable = c(rep(c("Curtailed", "Uncurtailed"), 3), rep("Uncurtailed",
4)), Treatment = c(rep("Omit NA", 2), rep("Omit NA and Windspeed Filter",
2), rep("Omit NA and Windspeed Correction", 2), rep("Windspeed Simulation",
2), rep("Windspeed Expectation", 2)), Data.Source = c(rep("Observed Data Only",
4), rep("Observed Windspeed w. MPC", 2), rep(c("Weibull Distribution w. MPC",
"Weibull Distribution w. CPC"), 2)), Capacity.Factor = cf.values)
# print(cf, digits=3)
kable(cf, digits = 3)
Variable | Treatment | Data.Source | Capacity.Factor |
Curtailed | Omit NA | Observed Data Only | 0.024 |
Uncurtailed | Omit NA | Observed Data Only | 0.579 |
Curtailed | Omit NA and Windspeed Filter | Observed Data Only | 0.434 |
Uncurtailed | Omit NA and Windspeed Filter | Observed Data Only | 0.626 |
Curtailed | Omit NA and Windspeed Correction | Observed Windspeed w. MPC | 0.434 |
Uncurtailed | Omit NA and Windspeed Correction | Observed Windspeed w. MPC | 0.626 |
Uncurtailed | Windspeed Simulation | Weibull Distribution w. MPC | 0.585 |
Uncurtailed | Windspeed Simulation | Weibull Distribution w. CPC | 0.415 |
Uncurtailed | Windspeed Expectation | Weibull Distribution w. MPC | 0.826 |
Uncurtailed | Windspeed Expectation | Weibull Distribution w. CPC | 0.588 |
dotchart(x = cf$Capacity.Factor, xlim = c(0, 1), labels = cf$Treatment, groups = factor(cf$Variable),
gcolor = "black", main = "Sensitivity of Capacity Factor\nto Data Treatment",
xlab = "Capacity Factor", xaxs = "i")