
Long observational records of high-resolution weather data are instrumental to a wide range of research and development applications. Such data are essential to energy demand forecasts (Segal et al. 1992; Sailor 2001; Crowley et al. 2003; Thatcher 2007, Cohen et al. 2014), building energy models (Deru et al. 2011), renewable energy feasibility and siting assessments (Lambert et al. 2005), crop insurance programs (Helmath et al. 2009), emergency preparedness and early warning systems (Rogers and Tsirkunov 2011), and much more.

Globally, national weather services and climate information centers such as the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Britain’s Met Office, and India’s Institute for Tropical Meteorology (IITM), collect, curate, analyze and publish meteorological data from thousands of weather stations. NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is the world’s largest archive of weather data.

NOAA scientists offer a wealth of meteorological/climatological information through the NCDC data portal. The data is available on the Online Climate Data Directory website. It is also available via FTP, which is more effecient for batch queries, and is the method we will use here.

The following article, and the accompanying weatheR library built for the statistical computing language R, is intended to facilitate geo-referenced and quality-control batch query of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)–the world’s largest active archive of weather data. Our work builds on “Downloading and processing NOAA hourly weather station data” by Delameter et al. (YEAR). Our goal is to make meteorological data more accessible for a wide range of scientists, engineers and practicioners familiar with data analysis in R, but less familiar with the handling large meteorological datasets in particular. The weatheR libary introduces new functionality and automation previously unavailable:

The weatheR library

Open-Source and Available to All!

We created the weatheR package with all the necessary functions to download, transform, and plot NOAA weather station data. This package has 4 R package dependencies: httr, ggmap, ggplot2, and grid. The package is available on GitHub at To start using the weatheR package immediately, all you need are the following three lines of code:

## install weatheR library (beta version from github)


This package has utility functions and data funcitons. The data functions allow users to download data from the NOAA database, whereas the utility functions are used primarily in facilitating the data download process. We’ll first define each function then go through an example of downloading data with several of the data functions, explaining the mechanics of each utility function along the way.

Utility Functions:

  • allStations: allows the user to download the full list of Integrated Surface Database (ISD) weather stations. The list of stations, as of (insert date), is actually included in the package and can be loaded into the session by calling: data(stations). The purpose for this function however is so that in the event this list is updated, the user does not have to rely solely on the list included in the package.

  • kNStations: this function is the heart of the package and is used in every data downloading function. Using The Great Circle distance calculation, this funciton finds the k-nearest weather stations to a given input location. The distance from a refernce point and each station is quoted in kilometers.

  • plotStations: plots each reference point and its respective k-nearest stations. This function was included as to provide a quick visual inspection to make sure you’re getting the right data.

  • interpolateData: this is a funciton with limited use and sole purpose is to interpolate missing data from the weather stations so that we can run future analysis. It takes in a list of dataframes which is the output from all of the downloading data functions.

  • plotDailyMax: We might want to take this function out for now?

Data Functions:

There are four data functions, each of which has a unique level of ‘functional autonomy’ (does this sound like crazy talk?). At the lowest level you can specify the exact weather station of interest by it’s NOAA identifier. The highest level will return the single ‘best’ station based on completeness of data and proximity to a given location, as well as linearly interpolate missing temperature values. From the lowest level of autonomy to the highest:

  1. Return a specific station, found by it’s WBAN ID
    • getStationsByID: This allows users to specify a weather station of choice. The user can either look up the stations prior to using the package, or use the kNstations function to pre-select a station of interest.
  2. Return k-nearest stations to a location
    • getStationsByLocation: This is the primary driver of this package. This funciton allows the user to specify any particular location, whether it be a city or any landmark that can be identified via the Google Maps API. Locations are first geo-referenced via the Google Maps API, then subsequently uses the kNStations function to find the k-nearest stations to each respective location.
  3. Return the “best” station to a given location
    • getFilteredStations: This builds on the prior function by applying customizable quality controls, based on geographic proximity to geo-referenced location the and completeness of weather station data, to return the “best” weather station for each location. The filtering options will be discussed more thoroughly later.
  4. Return the “best” station to a given location and interpolate missing data
    • getInterpolatedData: This function goes one step beyond the previous. It makes the same station selection based on proximity and completeness of data, but it then interpolates all the missing temperature values.

Below is a table of all the functions mentioned above:


Before we can go through the mechanics of each function, we need to load in the package dependencies mentioned above.

Station List

Once we load the package into memory, our first step will be to download the full list of ISD weather stations from the NOAA database which can be found here: The name of the file in that directory is called isd-history.txt or isd-history.csv.

As mentioned above, we have included the dataset in the package (subsetted to exclude stations without LAT/LON coordinates), and can be loaded into memory by calling data(stations). However we built this function to download the list from the database incase it is updated in the future.

allStations <- function()
  # Full list of ISD weather stations:
  isd <- "" 
  response <- suppressWarnings(GET(isd))
  all <- read.csv(text=content(response, "text"), header = TRUE)
  colnames(all)[c(3, 9)] <- c("NAME", "ELEV") # Renaming for ease and consistency
  all <- all[!$LAT) & !$LON),] # Removing stations without LAT/LON data
stations <- allStations() # Assigns our subsetted list of ISD stations to variable 'stations'

It should be noted that the amount of data lost from the removal stations without LAT/LON data is minimal, approximately 1,300 out of 29,000 weather stations.

Places of Interest

Now that we have the full list of weather stations, let’s focus on what stations we want to hone in on. As mentioned above, the k-nearest stations are based on geo-referenced locations attained via the Google Maps API. For a location such as a state or country, Google Maps will return the centroid. However if you use a specific location such as a city or landmark, the geocode will be more precise.

If you would like to return the geocode of a city, it is advisable to specify the state or country in which it is located so as to eliminate the possibility of a mis-matched result. Similarly, if you have multiple cities of the same name you will need to specify the state or country as well, otherwise the Google Maps API will only return one location for all the repeated cities.

For demonstration, we’ll use a few cities in the table of the World’s Fastest Growing Cities mentioned in [cite other paper].

cities.of.interest <- c("Nairobi, Kenya", "Tema, Ghana", "Accra, Ghana", "Abidjan, Ivory Coast")

Visual Inspection of Nearest Neighbors

We now have all that is needed to begin downloading data, but before we do so we can visualize the stations of each city to understand how far away each one is from the given location. The code below for the multiplot function was developed by – insert refernce – and is used in the _____ package. However, instead of increasing the number of dependencies of this package, we decided to copy the code for internal use.

multiplot <- function(..., plotlist=NULL, file, cols=1, layout=NULL)
  # Make a list from the ... arguments and plotlist
  plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
  numPlots = length(plots)
  # If layout is NULL, then use 'cols' to determine layout
  if (is.null(layout))
    # Make the panel
    # ncol: Number of columns of plots
    # nrow: Number of rows needed, calculated from # of cols
    layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * ceiling(numPlots/cols)),
                     ncol = cols, nrow = ceiling(numPlots/cols))

  if (numPlots==1){
  } else {
    # Set up the page
    pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout), ncol(layout))))
    # Make each plot, in the correct location
    for (i in 1:numPlots) {
      # Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain this subplot
      matchidx <- == i, arr.ind = TRUE))
      print(plots[[i]], vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row,
                                      layout.pos.col = matchidx$col))

Next, we’ll create the primary function to plot the stations for each city. The inputs here are the list of city, which gets passed into the kNStations function we built above, full list of NOAA ISD weather stations, and the k-number of stations you wish to return. The output will be a map for each city, with one black dot and up to k red dots (numbered). The black dot is the reference point for that city and the red dots represent the weather stations, labeled 1 to k, ordered from closest to farthest away from the reference point.

plotStations <- function(city.list, station.list, k)
  kns <- kNStations(city.list, station.list, k)
  nc <- length(city.list)
  plots <- list()
  for (i in 1:nc)
    map <- suppressMessages(get_map(location = city.list[i], zoom = 10))
    p1 <- suppressMessages(ggmap(map) +
                             geom_point(aes(x = LON, y = LAT),
                                        data = kns[kns$city==city.list[i],],
                                        colour="red", size=7, alpha=.5) +
                             geom_text(aes(x = LON, y = LAT, label=rank),
                                       data = kns[kns$city==city.list[i],]) +
                             geom_point(aes(x = lon, y = lat),
                                        data = geocode(city.list[i]),
                                        colour="black", size=7, alpha=.5)) +
                             labs(title=city.list[i]) + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(0,0,0,0),"mm"))
    plots[[i]] <- p1
  if (nc == 1) plot(p1) else multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = round(sqrt(nc)))

# Run the function:
plotStations(cities.of.interest[1:4], stations, 7)

We can see that some cities have a lot of weather stations nearby, where as others only have a few. Now that we’ve confirmed that there should be at least one station close to each city, let’s create a function to download the data.

Downloading Data via FTP

The data we’ll be downloading are fixed width, and saved on the ftp in .gz format. The widths and column names of the station data is as follows.

col.width <- c(4, 6, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 6, 7, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 1,
               1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1)

col.names <- c("CHARS", "USAFID", "WBAN", "YR", "M", "D", "HR", "MIN",
               "DATE.FLAG", "LAT", "LONG", "TYPE.CODE", "ELEV", "CALL.LETTER",
               "QLTY", "WIND.DIR", "WIND.DIR.QLTY", "WIND.CODE",
               "TEMP", "TEMP.QLTY", "DEW.POINT", "DEW.POINT.QLTY",
               "ATM.PRES", "ATM.PRES.QLTY")

Now we can begin building a function that will download data for a range of years for each of the k-nearest stations to each city that is found in the kNStations function. The function will have 3 inputs: the result of the kNStations function, a beginning year, and an ending year (both in 4-digit format).

dlStationData <- function(kns, beg, end)
  base.url <- ""
  nstations <- nrow(kns)
  yrs <- seq(beg,end,1)
  nyrs <- end-beg+1
  usaf <- as.numeric(kns$USAF)
  wban <- as.numeric(kns$WBAN)
  # The following dataframe will be printed to show
  # which files were successfully downloaded
  status <- data.frame()
  temp <-,nstations,5))
  names(temp) <- c("File","Status", "City", "rank", "kilo_distance")
  temp$City <- kns$city
  temp$rank <- kns$rank
  temp$kilo_distance <- kns$kilo_distance
  # Setup for the list of data
  temp.list <- df.list <- list()
  city.names <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(kns$city,", "), function(x) x[1])) # City Name
  df.names <- paste(city.names, kns$USAF, sep="_") # City Name_USAF#

  # Download the desired stations into a list (does not save to disk)
  for (i in 1:nyrs)
    for (j in 1:nstations)
      # Create file name
      temp[j,1] <- paste(usaf[j],"-",wban[j],"-", yrs[i], ".gz", sep = "")
        # Create connect to the .gz file
        gz.url <- paste(base.url, yrs[i], "/", temp[j, 1], sep="")
        con <- gzcon(url(gz.url))
        raw <- textConnection(readLines(con))
        # Read the .gz file directly into R without saving to disk
        temp.list[[j]] <- read.fwf(raw, col.width)
        # Some housekeeping:
        names(temp.list)[j] <- df.names[j]
        names(temp.list[[j]]) <- col.names
        temp.list[[j]]$LAT <- temp.list[[j]]$LAT/1000
        temp.list[[j]]$LONG <- temp.list[[j]]$LONG/1000
        temp.list[[j]]$WIND.SPD <- temp.list[[j]]$WIND.SPD/10
        temp.list[[j]]$TEMP <- temp.list[[j]]$TEMP/10
        temp.list[[j]]$DEW.POINT <- temp.list[[j]]$DEW.POINT/10
        temp.list[[j]]$ATM.PRES <- temp.list[[j]]$ATM.PRES/10
        temp.list[[j]]$city <- city.names[j]
        temp.list[[j]]$distance <- kns$kilo_distance[j]
        temp.list[[j]]$rank <- kns$rank[j]
        temp[j,2] <- "Success"
      finally={ # if any of the files didn't download successfully, label as such
        if([j,2])=="TRUE") temp[j,2] <- "Failed"
    # Combine each year's status and list
    status <- rbind(status, temp)
    status <- status[order(status[,3], status[,4], status[,1]),]
    df.list <- append(df.list, temp.list)
  output.list <- list(status, df.list)
  names(output.list) <- c("dl_status", "station_data")

The output of the above function gives a list of two items. 1) The status of downloading data for each year of each station. It will show either “Failed” or “Success” 2) A list of dataframes for each year of station.

The next step is to reduce the number of dataframes we need to work with by combining the data of each year for the same station.

Data Compilation

combineWeatherDFs <- function(dfList)
  combined.list <- list()
  keys <- unique(names(dfList$station_data))
  keys <- keys[keys!=""]
  nkeys <- length(keys)
  for (i in 1:nkeys)
    track <- which(names(dfList$station_data)==keys[i])
    combined.list[[i]] <-$station_data[track]))
    names(combined.list)[i] <- keys[i]
  output.list <- list(dfList$dl_status, combined.list)
  names(output.list) <- c("dl_status", "station_data")

We’re now ready to put this all together into one function:

getStationsByCity <- function(city.list, station.list, k, begin, end)
  kns <- kNStations(city.list, station.list, k)
  weatherDFs <- dlStationData(kns, begin, end)
  combined.list <- combineWeatherDFs(weatherDFs)

Data Filters

This is essentially the guts of the package, however we need to perform two more steps for our future analysis. First, we only need one weather station for each city. Thus far, we have not filtered out any stations so the output of the function above could have up to k-stations for each city. We will establish minimum standards for each dataset, evaluate each station’s data, then select station containing the best data. Second, we need observations at every hour of every year. No matter how good the weather station is, it is bound to have some missing observations. Therefore, we will use a method linear interpolation to estimate the missing observations.

These two steps will be add-ons to the function above, so let’s start by creating a filtering mechanism. We have four steps in our filtering/selection process: 1) Remove stations with little to no data 2) Remove stations that exceed a maximum distance from each city’s reference point 3) Remove stations that exceed a threshold of missing data, including NA values 4) Select closest station remaining for each city, as all remaining stations are deemed adequate

filterStationData <- function(comb.list, distance, hourly_interval, tolerance, begin, end)

  dlStatus <- comb.list$dl_status
  comb.list <- comb.list$station_data

  city.names <- unlist(lapply(comb.list, function(x) unique(x$city)))

  # 1) remove stations with little to no data at all
  rm.junk <- names(comb.list[which(sapply(comb.list, function(x) dim(x)[1] <= 10))])
  comb.list <- comb.list[which(sapply(comb.list, function(x) dim(x)[1] > 10))]

  # 2) remove stations that exceed maximum distance
  rm.dist <- names(comb.list[which(sapply(comb.list, function(x) max(x["distance"])) > distance)])
  comb.list <- comb.list[which(sapply(comb.list, function(x) max(x["distance"])) < distance)]

  # keep track of which stations have been removed
  rm.tmp <- unique(c(rm.junk, rm.dist))

  lapply(comb.list, names)
  # 3.a) remove stations that exceed threshold of missing data,
  # start with counting the 999s:
  cl <- c("TEMP", "DEW.POINT") # Additional columns can be added
  ix <- ix.tmp <- NULL
  ix.ct <-, ncol=length(cl)))
  colnames(ix.ct) <- cl
  rownames(ix.ct) <- names(comb.list)
  for (L in 1:length(comb.list))
    for (i in 1:length(cl))
      ix.tmp <- which(comb.list[[L]][cl[i]]==999.9 | comb.list[[L]][cl[i]]==999 |
      ix.ct[L,i] <- length(ix.tmp)
      ix <- union(ix,ix.tmp)
    comb.list[[L]] <- comb.list[[L]][-ix,]
  ix.ct$temp_pct <- ix.ct[,cl[1]]/unlist(lapply(comb.list,nrow))
  ix.ct$dew_pct <- ix.ct[,cl[2]]/unlist(lapply(comb.list,nrow))
  # print(ix.ct)

  # ms.obs <- (ix.ct$TEMP)+(ix.ct$DEW.POINT)

  # 3.b) set a minimum number of observations and remove stations that do not
  # meet requirement
  yrs <- seq(begin,end,1)
  nyrs <- end-begin+1
  min.obs <- (24/hourly_interval)*365*nyrs*(1-tolerance)
  obs.ix <- which(sapply(comb.list, nrow) < min.obs)
  rm.obs <- names(comb.list[which(sapply(comb.list, nrow) < min.obs)])
  if(length(rm.obs)==0) comb.list <- comb.list else comb.list <- comb.list[-obs.ix]

  # update removed stations
  rm.all <- unique(c(rm.tmp, rm.obs))

  # 4) All current stations are assumed to be adequet,
  #   we therefore will take the closest to each reference point
  kept.names <- substr(names(comb.list),1,nchar(names(comb.list))-7)
  kept.ranks <- unname(unlist(lapply(comb.list, function(x) x["rank"][1,1])))
  f.df <- data.frame(location=kept.names, ranks=kept.ranks)
  kp.ix <- as.numeric(rownames(f.df[which(ave(f.df$ranks,f.df$location,FUN=function(x) x==min(x))==1),]))
  final.list <- comb.list[kp.ix]

  # Show what was removed during the filtering process:
  kept <- names(comb.list)
  st.df <- data.frame(count(city.names))
  rm.df <- count(substr(rm.all, 1, nchar(rm.all)-7))
  kept.df <- count(substr(kept, 1, nchar(kept)-7))
  df.list <- list(st.df, rm.df, kept.df)
  mg.df <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by="x", all=T), df.list)
  suppressWarnings(mg.df[] <- 0)
  colnames(mg.df) <- c("city", "stations", "removed", "kept")
  filterStatus <- mg.df

  # Show the stations that will be in the final output:
  finalStations <- names(final.list)

  # Create a list for output
  finalOutput <- list(dlStatus, filterStatus, finalStations, final.list)
  names(finalOutput) <- c("dl_status", "removed_rows", "station_names_final", "station_data")

This function returns a list of four items. The download status, which is the same as prior functions, a dataframe showing the number and percentage of rows that were filled with NA values, the names of the stations selected in the last step, and the data of those stations. It should be noted that the fourth item is a list of dataframes.

At this point, you could add a line for filterStationData to the getStationsByCity, however we still need to interplate missing values. This intermediate step is included as a separate function in the package, however we will skip it here.

Data Interpolation

The final step is to create a function to interpolate all the missing values in each station’s dataset.

interpolateData <- function(wx.list)
  clean.list <- lapply(wx.list, function(x){
    ddply(x, .(city, USAFID, distance, rank, YR, M, D, HR), summarise,
          LAT=mean(LAT), LONG=mean(LONG), ELEV=mean(ELEV),
          TEMP=mean(TEMP), DEW.POINT=mean(DEW.POINT))})

  # Create a column with the full posix date for each hour
  for (i in 1:length(clean.list))
    clean.list[[i]]$dates <- as.POSIXct(paste(paste(clean.list[[i]]$YR,"-",clean.list[[i]]$M,
                                                    "-",clean.list[[i]]$D, " ",clean.list[[i]]$HR,sep=""),
                                              ":",0,":",0,sep=""),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="UTC")}

  # Create a list of dataframes of each hour
  hourly.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(clean.list))
    hourly.list[[i]] <- data.frame(hours=seq(
      from=as.POSIXct(paste(min(clean.list[[i]]$YR),"-1-1 0:00", sep=""), tz="UTC"),
      to=as.POSIXct(paste(max(clean.list[[i]]$YR),"-12-31 23:00", sep=""), tz="UTC"),

  wx.df <- data.frame()
  for (i in 1:length(clean.list))
    temp.df <- merge(hourly.list[[i]], clean.list[[i]], by.x="hours", by.y="dates", all.x=TRUE)
    temp.df$city <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$city))[1]
    temp.df$USAFID <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$USAFID))[1]
    temp.df$distance <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$distance))[1]
    temp.df$rank <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$rank))[1]
    temp.df$LAT <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$LAT))[1]
    temp.df$LONG <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$LONG))[1]
    temp.df$ELEV <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$ELEV))[1]
    temp.df$YR <- as.numeric(format(temp.df$hours,"%Y"))
    temp.df$M <- as.numeric(format(temp.df$hours,"%m"))
    temp.df$D <- as.numeric(format(temp.df$hours,"%d"))
    temp.df$HR <- as.numeric(format(temp.df$hours,"%H"))

    # Interpolation <- approx(x=temp.df$hours, y=temp.df$TEMP, xout=temp.df$hours)
    temp.df$TEMP <-$y <- approx(x = temp.df$hours, y = temp.df$DEW.POINT, xout = temp.df$hours)
    temp.df$DEW.POINT <-$y

    # Merge the dataframes together
    wx.df <- rbind(wx.df, temp.df)

The output of this function is a single, large, dataframe with hourly observations for the station with the ‘best’ data for each city.

Putting It All Together

Putting it all together, we end with the following function which will then feed data in the next step of our analysis.

getInterpolatedDataByCity <- function(city.list, station.list, k, begin, end, distance, hourly_interval, tolerance)
  kns <- kNStations(city.list, station.list, k)
  weatherDFs <- dlStationData(kns, begin, end)
  combined.list <- combineWeatherDFs(weatherDFs)
  filteredData <- filterStationData(combined.list, distance, hourly_interval, tolerance, begin, end)
  interpolation <- interpolateData(filteredData$station_data)


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